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  Today is Friday, September 20, 2024
Brewer List

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MacTarnahans Brewing Co.See: Portland (MacTarnahan's) Brewing Co. (OR-PORT)
MadCow Brewing CompanyOR-MADC2010-Gresham10
Main Street Ale HouseOR-MAIN2004-2008Gresham1
Mash Tun Brewpub, TheOR-MASH2006-Portland2
Max's Fanno Creek BrewpubOR-MAX2007-2020Tigard14
Mazama BrewingOR-MAZ2012-Corvallis22
McKenzie BrewingOR-MCK1991-Eugene19
McMenamin's Pubs & Restaurants (7)OR-MCM1985-Portland150
Metolius Brewing CoOR-METO?-2009Portland4
Mia & Pia's Pizzeria & BrewhouseOR-MIA1996-Klamath Falls4
Migration BrewingOR-MIG2009-Portland19
Misty Mountain BrewingOR-MIST2017Brookings2
Molson & SonsOR-MOLS1879-1882Portland1
Monkless Belgian AlesOR-MONK2018-Bend2
Montavilla Brew WorksOR-MONT2014-Portland4
Moonshrimp Brewing Co.OR-MOON2018-2023Portland4
Mountain View BrewingOR-MOUN2020-Mt. Hood1
Mt. Angel Brewing Co.OR-MTA1995-2003Mt. Angel6
Mt. Hood Brewing Co.OR-MTHO1905-1913Portland10
Mt. Hood Brewing CompanyOR-MTH1992-Government Camp36
Multnomah BrewingOR-MUL1994-1996Portland1
Mutiny Brewing Co.OR-MUTI2009-Joseph1
Mystic Roots Brewing CompanyOR-MYST2015-Terrebonne1
Oregon brewers with coasters:22
Alternate brewer referencess:1
total record count:32
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